
Rudra thakur

Sons of Prudvi raaj and Rani shakuntala .

The dominant , wild lionΒ  prince of Vibhadra kingdom.

He is 30 years old. He is obsessed with Meera from her birth .

He made a separate palace for her . So that she will never interact with any male

Very possessive person

Devendra thakur

The charming and caringΒ  prince of Vibhadra kingdom

He is merciless when it comes to his kingdom and his queen

He is interested in poetry and literature

He is obsessed with Meera's hair

Here , our beautiful princess....

Meera thakur

She is the daughter of the Raja Mahendra and Rani padmavati. Padmavati is the sister of Prudvi raaj .

When Meera was born , she promised her brother Prudvi raaj .

"Meera will be wife of the Samrat rudra and devendra"

Meera's parents died during an attack. Prudvi bought Meera to their kingdom.

Now , she is a 16 year old innocent girl who didn't see the world . Getting treated as a glass doll by her future husbands .

She is a kind hearted girl .... Like to do anything for her Samrat's

The twins of Vibhadra

Two predators and a naive cow

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